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RIM presents BlackBerry OS 10

RIM presented the new version of its operating system for smartphones. The company showed BlackBerry 10 for the first time, alongside a test device for the new operating system.

BlackBerry 10 differs significantly from the current version of the software on smartphones of the company. The new OS is based on QNX. Although BlackBerry devices with a physical standard keyboard and a screen will continue to be made, the Canadian company focuses on full touch. The test device, the BlackBerry 10 Alpha Developer Phone has a 4.2 inch screen with a resolution of 1280 x 768 pixels.

With BlackBerry 10 RIM introduces widgets on the homescreen. In the above video you can see the OS in action. Remarkably, the Canadian company has looked good to webOS, Palm's operating system. The first BlackBerry 10 phones are probably in stores at the end of this year.
