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Special LG for the ladies

Get familiar with the LG SH490 Make-Up; specially made for the ladies. The Make-Up has of course the necessary "shiny shiny".

The LG SH490 Make-Up is actually a clamshell phone with a polish look that is available in three different colours. Here we have some pics of this phone.

Speciale LG voor de ladies
LG SH940 Make-Up specially for the ladies'

The LG Make-Up has an internal display with a diameter of 2.4 inch with QVGA resolution (240 x 320 pixels). The phone also has an external display, of 1.1 inch. The built-in camera has a resolution of 3 megapixel, but there is unfortunately no flash. Fortunately, bluetooth and MP3 are part of the features.

The device is first being made available in the East by LG. The price is still unknown.

Source: Akihabaranews
