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Apple doubles sales and achieves profit record

In the first fiscal quarter of 2012, Apple reports a profit record. The company did this by doubling sales over one year earlier. The iPhone 4S and iPad 2 were mainly responsible for the success.

The margin that Apple is able to achieve is tremendous: more than 44 percent of sales is turned into profit. There are a number of companies that run a higher turnover than Apple, but due to the huge margin that the company is able to achieve, Apple makes a lot more profit. The profit that Apple makes with, among other products, theiPhone 4S results in the fact that the company from Cupertino, California now has 98 milard U.S. dollars in cash. At current market price , this is sufficient to buy BlackBerry-maker RIM ten times.


Apple sold 15.4 million iPads , even more than HP sold PCs. The results establish Apple in the top of the list with your highest quarterly profits ever made by companies. Only Russia's Gazprom, Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil from the US ever did better.
