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Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
Samsung Galaxy Note II front white
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed white
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed blue
Samsung Galaxy Note II front blue
Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
Samsung Galaxy Note II front white
Samsung Galaxy Note II back white
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed white
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed blue
Samsung Galaxy Note II front blue
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed 2 blue
Samsung Galaxy Note II tilted ed 2 white
Samsung Galaxy Note II back blue
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Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Belangrijkste functies Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Operating system

  • Android: 4.1 (Jelly Bean)


  • Colour display: HD Super AMOLED
  • Size: 5.5 inch


  • Camera: 8 MP
  • Front camera: 2 MP
  • Processor: Quad Core
  • Clock Frequency: 1.6 GHz

Build-in memory

  • Internal memory: 16 GB + 32 GB + 64 GB

Power supply

  • Battery: User replaceable
  • Capacity: 3100 mAh

Data network

  • 4G (LTE):
  • 5G:


  • Fingerprint recognition:

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 reviews

2 reviews
“Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 review”
28 february 2013

Not everybody knew just what to do with a device of which the size of the screen lies somewhere between a mobile phone and a tablet. In spite of this, by now about 10 million of these devices have been sold, and this category has even gotten its own name: the phablet. A short while ago, the Samsung Galaxy Note II came out, and we had the chance to try this improved version.

Click here our full Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 review

    Iedere maand weer verloten we een waardebon van £ 50 onder alle inzenders van een ervaring. Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is laten weten wat je van dit product vindt. Klik op de knop hierboven om te beginnen.