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Find Phablets

Need a Phablet? For those who need a large screen smartphone, this is the starting point of their search. All phones with a nice big screen can be found here, filter on other specifications, compare with other models and sort on the lowest price. Read more

Gevonden: 70 phones

The term 'phablet' consists of an amalgamation of the English words 'phone' and 'tablet'. Phablets have an above-average screen size for telephony terms. That average has grown enormously in recent years because mobile phones are getting bigger and bigger screens.

Phablet history

There is no hard final of phablet. You could therefore already describe some early PDAs with call functionality and a fairly large screen as phablets. Think of the HTC Advantage from 2007. Yet there is one brand that has made the phablet incredibly popular.

It was Samsung that released the first Galaxy Note in 2011. With a then immensely large 5.3 inch screen, it entered the history books as the first successful phablet. Those who read reviews from that time can have a great time. Conclusions such as "too big", "impractical" and "doomed to fail" are not off the air. Fortunately, we now know better. Screens got a little bigger every year so we got used to it, helped by the convenience it brought.

As a result, phablet from 5 years ago is today a compact phone. So 'big' is a stretchy concept here. For Phablet we currently use a phone with a screen of at least 6.2 inches in size.


In addition to finger input, a large screen is also suitable for pen input. This is also called a stylus. Useful for those who like to take written notes or want to be able to draw. Not every phablet supports this type of input. Samsung with the Galaxy Note models thanks to the so-called S Pen. This pen has a clear nib that is recognised and pressure-sensitive. There are also capacitive pens on the market that work on any smartphone. They work just like a finger, are therefore less accurate and are hardly sensitive to pressure. If you like to make drawings on your mobile, you can't ignore the Galaxy Note.
