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Find Low-end smartphones

Need a simple smartphone? If you want a smartphone but don't have high demands or a lot of money left over, this is the starting point of your search. Here we have listed all so called low-end smartphones for you, you can filter on functions and find prices without and with subscription. Read more

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Low-end is English and stands for entry with a low price. Low-end smartphones are full-fledged smartphones but undressed. The price is low, the materials often sober and the performance simple.

Low-end smartphones in the UK

Not every manufacturer releases low-end smartphones. That's because there's not much to be earned in this category and because the competition is fierce. In our country the demand for such phones is also less than where someones spendable income is many times lower. That is why it happens that manufacturers do not release their entry-level models here. Think of smartphones without 4G, they usually skip our country.

For whom is low-end?

Low-end smartphones are ideal beginner smartphones. Anyone who has never had a smartphone before can get acquainted with it for relatively little money. For example, a parent can buy a low-end smartphone for his teenager with the necessary supervision options. A low-end smartphone is also the ideal emergency phone or festival phone because of its low price and yet the necessary features.

For whom is low-end not?

Anyone who is bothered by slow-responsive telephones, who thinks photography is important, who is allergic to plastic should definitely not be here. It is better to save money and look at midrange phones. These are often a little more expensive, although mid-range smartphones of one year old can be a good alternative.
