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Find High-end smartphones

Need a high-end smartphone? For those for whom only the best of the best is good enough, can't get enough of new techniques and a high price is no problem, this is the starting point of your search. Find, compare and buy the latest high-end flagships here. Read more

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High-end smartphones are the most comprehensive phones manufacturers release. They get the most attention because of innovative techniques, new functions and premium materials. That's why a high-end smartphone usually has a high price tag. Something that, in combination with a subscription and therefore staggered payment, becomes a little more bearable.


Virtually all major phone manufacturers release high-end smartphones, sometimes called flagships. It is precisely these models that are most often advertised. Manufacturers try to attract new customers with new functions and techniques and persuade existing customers to upgrade. Usually a new model of a high-end smartphone is released every year. This murdering pace sometimes causes the differences to be so small that customers are tempted to buy with marketing.

High-end smartphones have the most beautiful screens, the best cameras, the fastest processors and the most extensive functions. The price is therefore quite high, especially in the first months after a model is released. For most brands it gradually subsides in the following weeks and months.

Previous generation flagship

Those who want to save money but still want a high-end smartphone can consider buying a flagship from a year ago. These are often hundreds of euros cheaper but still have most of the features that someone wants. Please note how long it is still supported. Android manufacturers in particular sometimes fail to update old flagships. Apple does this with its iPhones much better with years of support being the rule rather than the exception.
