Find QWERTY phones
Need a QWERTY phone? Here you will find all available phones with a keyboard. Sometimes having a full keyboard is just convenient. For tapping text or who is accustomed to physical knots. Search all models available, filter by specs and compare prices. Read more
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Phones with a full keyboard have a keyboard where each letter has its own button. This is similar to the keyboard for your computer. This type of telephone used to be very common, especially with business telephones. Entering text is usually easier and faster. This makes it ideal for drawing up long e-mails, notes and entering web addresses.
At the moment it is mainly BlackBerry phones that have a full keyboard. The Canadian company grew up with phones with keyboards, it also became their downfall, but thanks to QWERTY phones they got back on top.
A complete keyboard is often referred to as QWERTY. This is a reference to the keyboard layout commonly used in a lot of countries. The first letters on the top row start with Q, W, E, R, T and Y. Other keyboard layouts are AZERTY (French-speaking) and QWERTZ (German-speaking). The phones listed here with a full keypad have the QWERTY format unless otherwise stated.