Find Expected Mobile Phones
An overview of all expected phones that are not yet available but will soon be released. Although they are not yet available, some are already for sale; they are then available as pre-orders. You can buy them, but you'll have to be patient before they're delivered. Read more
The list above contains phones that are expected. Part of it has already been announced but has yet to arrive in the shop, another part has not yet been announced. Some of them seem certain, especially telephones that get a successor every year, some are still deep in the rumor circuit. The mobile phones that haven't been announced yet have been added without specifications, you can't compare them with other phones yet. As soon as we have data, we add them but they will only become definitive once they have been officially revealed by the manufacturer.
Phones that have been announced but are not yet available can sometimes be ordered. That's what we call pre-order, or pre-sale. Some manufacturers try to stimulate pre-sales with special promotions. A free headset, for example. Disadvantage is that you have to wait some time before you have your phone in the house. If you need a new mobile right away, for example because your current piece is broken, a pre-order is not recommended. One reason to pre-order a phone is to make sure that you are the first to have a new phone in the house without having to queue for it.