Find Dumbphones
Need a simple and affordable dumbphone? If simply being reachable is enough for you, then this is the starting point of your search. Here's a list of basic phones, nothing more nothing less. Read more
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A dumbphone is the counterpart of the smartphone. It's a phone you can use to make calls and send text messages. There are not many other functions. As a result, the battery lasts for days, sometimes up to a week, and they don't cost much.
Strangely enough, the rise of the smartphone has also increased interest in dumbphones. It's a way to get rid of your smartphone addiction. You don't have the urge for social media and fear of missing out here. Because you can only use it to call and receive text messages, after a few days you are relieved of the hunger for incoming notifications and unread social media posts.
When to buy a dumbphone
Because of its simplicity, a dumbphone can serve very well as a senior phone but they are not primarily intended for that purpose. Better alternatives are then available with specific senior functions. Also for a festival phone, the dumbphone is not necessarily the best choice. For example, having a camera and/or WhatsApp support can be very useful. A feature phone is then a better alternative.
When not to buy a dumbphone
For those who just want to be reachable, nothing else. Then a dumbphone is the best choice. You should also be here as an emergency phone for the car.