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Doro 5860

Doro 5860
Doro 5860 white front dock
Doro 5860 white front left side
Doro 5860 white front right side dock
Doro 5860 white front right side
Doro 5860
Doro 5860 grey back
Doro 5860 white front dock
Doro 5860 white front left side
Doro 5860 white front right side dock
Doro 5860 white front right side
Doro 5860 white left side
Doro 5860 white back
Doro 5860 white right side

Los nieuw

£ 69,99

  • Prijzen bij 0 webshops
  • Altijd de beste deal

Pro and cons Doro 5860

  • Simple operation
  • Camera and SOS button
  • With handy charging station
  • Long range thanks to 4G
  • No magnifying glass function

Price Doro 5860 SIM Free

Doro 5860 product description

The Doro 5860 is an easy-to-use cell phone with a convenient charging station. As a result, the phone is always close by and charged. Despite its simple nature, the 5860 features a camera for sharing photos. It also has an SOS button for when immediate help is needed.

Doro 5860 white front dock

Belangrijkste functies Doro 5860


  • Colour display: TFT
  • Size: 2.8 inch


  • Camera: 2.0 MP
  • Processor: Unisoc UMS9117
  • Front camera:

Data network

  • 4G (LTE):
  • 5G:

Build-in memory

  • Internal memory: 128 MB

Power supply

  • Battery: User replaceable
  • Capacity: 1000 mAh


  • Fingerprint recognition:

Doro 5860 reviews

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