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Apple iPhone 6

Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone 6 left side tilted ed
Apple iPhone 6 left side grey
Apple iPhone 6 left side flipped 2
Apple iPhone 6 left side flipped
Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)
Apple iPhone 6 left side tilted ed
Apple iPhone 6 left side grey
Apple iPhone 6 left side flipped 2
Apple iPhone 6 left side flipped
Apple iPhone 6 back gold
Apple iPhone 6 back grey
Apple iPhone 6 back silver

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£ 455,74

  • Prijzen bij 0 webshops
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Pro and cons Apple iPhone 6

  • Timeless design
  • Everything just works
  • Bigger screen a relief
  • High price, so look for an good offers

Price Apple iPhone 6 SIM Free

Apple iPhone 6 product description

Apple may not be tinkering much with the concept of the iPhone; but with the iPhone 6 they literally took the biggest step in years. The screen size went from 4 inches on the iPhone 5s to 4.7 inches on this iPhone 6. With this, Apple follows other popular smartphones. Something that didn't go up was the camera resolution, but don't be fooled by that. The iPhone 6 shoots really beautiful pictures.

The iPhone 6 is thinner and more efficient

The iPhone 6 is bigger, thinner, more powerful and more efficient than its predecessor. Those improvements come together in a metal case with subtle curves, beautifully finished details and an industrial look. This way of perfecting is also found inside the iPhone 6. For example, the camera now features Focus Pixels technology, which means it can focus at lightning speed. We also know this at other manufacturers as phase detection. Apple's approach is many times faster than traditional contrast detection and ensures that focus can still be achieved quickly in dark conditions.

Main Apple iPhone 6 Specifications

  • Always fast mobile internet thanks to 4G (LTE)
  • 8 megapixel camera with Full HD video
  • Available in 16, 64 and 128GB storage
  • 4.7-inch display including Corning Gorilla glass
  • Dualcore processor (Apple A8) at 1.4GHz, 1GB of RAM memory

iPhone 6 with iOS 8 is more versatile

What makes iPhones stand out, of course, is their user-friendliness. The new, pre-installed iOS 8 may look familiar, but it's packed with new features. Third party keyboards such as Swype and SwiftKey can now be installed. It's also helpful that the redesigned iOS 8 works better with other Apple products. If you have a MacBook, you can use it to answer your phone calls. And you can finish emails you started on your iMac on your iPhone. That's great for people on the go.

Apple iPhone 6 left side tilted ed

A8 processor

Inside, Apple remains fairly modest with the iPhone 6. The battery size isn't overwhelming, but you'll make it thru the day. The iPhone 6 continues to be powered by a dualcore A8 processor at 1.4GHz. That's phenomenal performance. In terms of speed, other smartphones rarely come close (October 2014).

Belangrijkste functies Apple iPhone 6

Operating system

  • iOS: 10.1


  • Colour display: TFT
  • Size: 4.7 inch


  • Camera: 8 MP
  • Front camera: 1.2 MP
  • Processor: Apple A8, Dual Core
  • Clock Frequency: 1.4 GHz

Data network

  • 4G (LTE):
  • 5G:

Build-in memory

  • Internal memory: 128 GB + 16 GB + 64 GB
  • Memory card slot:

Power supply

  • Battery: 1810 mAh

Apple iPhone 6 reviews

2 reviews
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Videos about the Apple iPhone 6

Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)

Tie a string to an Apple iPhone 6, go skiing and shoot this kind of fantastic images!

Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)

It doesn't make much sense, but which phone will last longer in boiling water? iPhone 6 or Galaxy S6?

Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)

Strangely enough, the iPhone 6 is slower than the first iPhone in some areas.

Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)

Apple iPhone 6 Slow motion sample (240 fps): via @YouTube

Apple iPhone 6 (A1549)

The iPhone 6 features 4G faster than its predecessor. How much faster do you ask? Movie!
