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Apple AirPods

Apple AirPods
Apple AirPods white tilted ed
Apple AirPods white case left side geopend
Apple AirPods white case top geopend
Apple AirPods
Apple AirPods white tilted ed
Apple AirPods white case left side geopend
Apple AirPods white case top geopend

Los nieuw

£ 176,01

  • Prijzen bij 0 webshops
  • Altijd de beste deal
Apple AirPods

Apple AirPods

£ 176,01

Price Apple AirPods

Belangrijkste functies Apple AirPods

Power supply

  • Battery: 93 mAh + 93 mAh


  • Dirt and waterproof:

Apple AirPods reviews

Iedere maand weer verloten we een waardebon van £ 50 onder alle inzenders van een ervaring. Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is laten weten wat je van dit product vindt. Klik op de knop hierboven om te beginnen.

Videos about the Apple AirPods

Apple AirPods

The Apple AirPods Pro 2 will soon be able to serve as a hearing aid. Via a short 5-minute test, create your own hearing profile and let AirPods Pro 2 adjust sounds automatically

Apple AirPods

Apple introduces the new AirPods 4, including a variant with Active Noise Cancelation

Apple AirPods

Conan O'Brien has made a funny "commercial" for the AirPods Apple made for the iPhone 7.
