On this page you find information about us in general, the beginning and our mission.
Newmobile is the biggest and most user-friendly phone comparison site of the Web and provides thousands of visitors each day with free information necessarily before and during the purchase of a new mobile phone. Newmobile is the daily and irreplaceble information source for consumers, retailers and salesmen of mobile phones.
Newmobile is a spin-off of the Dutch website NieuweMobiel.NL and has been into existing since July of 2002.
During the quick growth of the telecom market in the end of the 90's and in the beginning of 2000, suppliers paid more attention to the delivery of information about subscription structures and their prices, but not so much to mobile phones that had to sell the subscriptions. Information that was given was often incomplete. With the introduction of our website a new complete database arose that nowadays has around a thousand mobile phones with their functions and characteristics.

As can be read on our homepage, we are the biggest and most user-friendly phone comparison site of the Web. Our motto; searching + comparing = finding!
It is our mission to provide the users with the most accurate and complete information about mobile phones as possible in the periode before and during the purchase of a mobile phone in the most user-friendliest way possible.
Newmobile is an idea from id2concept and is listed in the Chamber of Commerce in Groningen, The Netherlands under 68554141.