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LG Star demonstrated in a video

An Israeli reviewer saw chance to get the LG Star in his hands. He makes a walktrough of the functions of the device in his own language, so the video is only worth watching, unless you speak Hebrew.

The LG Star is getting a lot of attention lately. New video's are leaking, more pictures are coming, and this website found a sheet with more information, that supposedly were those for the LG Star. The attention is not so surprising anyhow. With the Star, LG joins other manufacturers with high-end Android handsets, like HTC, Motorola and Samsung.

With a 1Ghz Nvidia Tegra 2-processor and a screen which measures 4 inch and has a 800x480 pixels resolution, the Star is at par with its competition. It is said that the phone will be released with Android 2.3 Gingerbread, the Android edition that will be released somewhere in the next weeks.

Source: Uberphones.com
