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LG Star running Android previewed

The LG Star is a next gen smartphone. With the amazingly quick Nvidia Tegra 2 processor, the phone should perform better than the current topmodels. Engadget got the chance to play around with the handset.

The reviewers are impressed by the performance of the smartphone, which they got from an anonymous source. That the handset wasn't meant to come into the hand of journalists becomes clear when it appears that the software of the phone isn't finished. It has, for instance, no lock screen. However, the phone runs a benchmark, and scored over 2000 points in the well known Quadrant test. Much quicker than phone that are for sale at the moment.

Lg star preview


On the phone that fell into the hands of Engadget, there was unfortunately no AMOLED screen. A minor drawback, as the screen is, according to the reviewers, very clear. The screen measures 4 inch, with a 800x480 pixels resolution. Who wants to see it with his own eyes, has to wait until 2011. It's yet unclear where phone will hit the market first.

Source: Engadget
