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Firmware Update Friday - Week 49 2011

It's time to say goodbye to some nasty old bugs! This week a firmware update for all available Windows Phone devices, and an additional update for the Nokia Lumia 800.

Nokia Lumia 800 - 1600.2479.7740.11451

An update for the Nokia Lumia 800 fixes some problems with the first Windows Phone device from Nokia. It improves the audio quality, brings a fix for a problem with charging the battery and the automatic adjustment of the screen brightness. The update is available via the Zune software on your PC. If you connect to Zune, you’re also immediately offered the following update:

Nokia Lumia 800 - 1600.2479.7740.11451

Microsoft last week rolled out an update for Windows Phone. This firmware update makes several enhancements to Microsoft Windows Phone. It also brings fix for the mail-app. Responses to emails have been improved for Microsoft Exchange 2003 users. There is also a fix for problems with notifications for new voice messages.

This update applies to the following phones:

You can download the update for phone by connecting it to a computer with Zune software. You get a message on your phone once the update is ready to download.

Stay up to date, see you next week for a new firmware update friday!
