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Sony Ericsson joins Android

Sony Ericsson has announced to expand its portfolio strategy by joining the Open Handset Alliance, the companies that are committed to Android.

Harold de Kort, Communication manager at Sony Ericsson Benelux: "Sony Ericsson is happy with the new membership at the Open Handset Alliance. We hereby show that we want to develop a mobile phone based on the Android platform. Sony Ericsson is taking a lot of experience to the Alliance. We are experts in making customer orientated multi-media phones with continiously renewed user experiences. Besides this we can still profit of the successes of Walkman and Cybershot sub brands. Sony Ericsson strongly supports the open operating systems and we believe that the Open Handset Alliance is a great opportunity to realize new and unique user experiences like only Sony Ericsson can do realize."

Previous interests
By the end of September it got known that Sony Ericsson had interest in Android, but it didn't get confirmed at that time. This announcement is also making room for a new high-end device of Sony Ericsson working with Android.
