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LG Star compared to Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone 4

We wrote about the LG Star, the new Android flagship to be made by LG. A slightly adapted version of this handset was compared to the Samsung Galaxy S. According to some sources, the phone in the video is names Optimus 2X

The name is clearly meant to emphasize that the Star/Optimus 2X has a dualcore processor. It may be that the handset is renamed to Optimus 2X when it is released. However, the phone in the video has hardware that only differs slightly from that of the new Android flagship of the Korean brand. We have three video's of the Optimus 2X/Star. The first gives a comparioson with the Samsung Galaxy S, the second a comparison to iPhone 4. In the last video, you see the HDMI connection of the phone in action.

Less high-tech

The video makes us even more enthusiastic about this new handset. The current generation of smartphone seems a lot less high-tech when laid next to this new phone. We expect to hold the phone in our own hand at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in Fabruary. Until then, we keep watching video like this!

Source: Mobileburn.com

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