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Shop with only Android devices opens its doors

Apple has its own shops, which only sell the products from this popular brand, as is now commonplace. In Australia, the first store opened entirely focused on Google's Android.

The shop sells phones and tablets from different manufacturers, which have one important similarity to get an important contract: they all run on the popular OS from Google. Custromers of the Australian operator Telstra can choose from a variety of Android smartphones and tablets. Of course, the fully shop is dressed up in the Android style, as can also be seen at trade shows worldwide.

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Android has already overtaken iOS as the most popular OS worldwide, and has recently seen its fourth edition, Ice Cream Sandwich. The first devices with this version of the operating system are already on the market. During 2012, telecom shops are expected to be flooded with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich phones and tablet.

Source: Droid-life.com
