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T-mobile Sidekick 3 will ship on European market, starting in the UK

T-Mobile has announced the arrival of the Sidekick 3, the ultimate communication gadget and exclusive lifestyle accessory making it even easier to stay in touch on-the-move. T-Mobile is bringing the Sidekick 3 to the UK.

T-Mobile has announced the arrival of the Sidekick 3, the ultimate communication gadget and exclusive lifestyle accessory making it even easier to stay in touch on-the-move. Following the success, and popularity with high-profile celebrities, of the Sidekick II last year, T-Mobile is bringing the Sidekick 3 to the UK for people who are fully engaged to this special product.

The Sidekick 3 is the latest handset to offer simple, open Internet access through T-Mobile’s web’n’walk service - enabling you to surf the internet in the same way as you could on your PC. With a trackball, it makes navigating through the menu of the device or web browsing, easy.

Staying in touch with friends or work mates has never been easier than with the Sidekick 3 - providing a one-stop-shop for organising your social calendar. With phone, email and instant messenger functions available at the touch of a button, the Sidekick 3 makes messaging quick and simple to use whilst on the move. The device has a full QWERTY keypad that makes typing faster and more accurate.

The Sidekick 3 also boasts a large colour screen, which is ideal for playing games, viewing photos or web-pages. The trademark Sidekick screen swivels open to be used like a mini laptop or used closed as a gaming device, phone or camera, depending on how you wish to use it.

For the first time, the Sidekick brand now offers a built-in MP3 player within the handset. The built-in 1.3 mega-pixel digital camera is ideal for capturing and sharing special moments. Within seconds of taking a picture, each image is stored online in a back-up gallery, enabling you to send pictures to friends and loved ones or save them to your PC and print them.

Next to this the Sidekick 3 is a personal assistant with calendar, notes and To-Do list easily updated and always with you, helping you stay on top of your hectic schedule. The Sidekick 3 boasts an internal memory of 64 MB Flash ROM and an external Mini-SD card slot (with a 64 MB Mini-SD card included).

The features of the Sidekick 3 are:

  • Instant messaging and email

  • Latest handset from T-Mobile’s offering web’n’walk service

  • Large swivel colour screen and full QWERTY keyboard

  • New MP3 player and 1.3 mega-pixel digital camera features
  • The Sidekick 3 will be available through T-Mobile retail stores and online at www.t-mobile.co.uk from December 2006, pricing will be dependent on price plan. It is not quite sure if other countries will also support the new Sidekick device. The UK will be the first in upcoming weeks.

    For more information on the new device check out the phone page of the new T-mobile product!
