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Huawei comes with super-smartphone at MWC in Barcelona

The first announcements for events at the MWC in Barcelona, starting in late February, are coming in. The Chinese brand Huawei presents a new super smartphone that runs on Android on February 26.

That Huawei is working on a super smartphone was already known. The brand makes no secret of its high expectations of the new smartphone. According to the invitation for the event is about to reveal the "fastest, smartest and best smartphone”. It makes clear tha the ambitions are high at Huawei.

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A previous Android device from Huawei, the Honor

Together with ZTE Huawei is one of the Chinese manufacturers of smartphones that prepare a rise in Europe and America. By combining a highly competitive price with good quality, the Chinese hope to bond buyers. The specs of this handset remain unknown. What is clear is that the phone has a dual-core processor.

Source: Phandroid.com
