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"Someting new" of Palm is new operating system

Last week we've informed you about Palm probably introducing "something new" at the CES of January 8th. Business Week is announcing that Palm is using CES to officially announce their new Operating System Nova.

The new OS, for now called "Nova", is going to be announced during the CES in Las Vegas from January 8th. Besides the new operating system Palm is also announcing some new products on which the new OS is operating. It is quite remarkable that information about new phones has never leaked out before. Previous devices where always known on the internet before the offical announcement, but this device keeps hidden quite well.

Iets nieuws van Palm is nieuw besturingssysteem
Mogelijke schermafbeeldingen Palm Nova

BlackBerry-iPhone gap
Palm is hoping to fill the gap between the business BlackBerry and the multimedia iPhone with the new operating system. We already knew that Palm is aiming with Nova at the regular consumer. It will still use Windows Mobile for the business consumer.

Source: BusinessWeek
