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“Screenshot confirms satellite communication for Samsung Galaxy S24”

A Galaxy phone screenshot that mentions satellite emergency communication has surfaced. It was previously rumoured that the upcoming Galaxy S24 series will feature this method of communication. This would be in response to Apple's recently announced satellite service.

Apple introduced the "Emergency SOS via satellite" service during the unveiling of the iPhone 15 series. Meanwhile, other manufacturers have also announced similar services, like Cat with the Cat S75. There is a strong rumour that the upcoming S24 series from Samsung also features satellite communications. That rumour becomes even stronger with the surfacing of the screenshot below.

Screenshot of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone mentioning satellite communication

According to Sammobile, the screenshot belongs to a Galaxy phone. It explains how to contact someone in the case of an emergency. The mentioned satellite option is not yet possible on current Galaxy phones.

Emergency texts via satellite allow users to send emergency messages in areas without WiFi and mobile coverage. Apple's satellite service also currently works exclusively with text messages.

Satellite saves lives

Apple's service has already proven itself in practise. For example, an LA man could transmit his location after a car accident, and lost mountaineers in the Alps were rescued. The service comes free for two years with the purchase of an iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. How much the service will cost after that is still unknown.

Whether Samsung will also make the service temporarily available for free is still unknown. That is obvious, given the similarity to Apple's service. For the Netherlands, the service has little added value. Here, there is coverage almost everywhere.
