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Firmware Update Friday - Week 51 2011

It's time to say goodbye to some nasty old bugs! This week a firmware update for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Google Nexus S, HP Pre 3 and the Palm Pre 2.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Android 4.0.2 Ice Cream Sandwich

Google last week rolled out an update to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus which has some bugfixes. In addition, developers get some extra options. You won’t find new features. Once the update is ready to download you will be notified, and you can get it over the air. It is advisable to get it over a WiFi connection.

Google Nexus S - Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich

An update to the latest version of Android for the Google Nexus S has been available shortly, but was withdrawn by Google. Due to problems with the battery life of the handset, Google is working on a number of improvements to the latest version of Android. It is therefore advisable not to deploy manual updates, which are described on some sites.

HP Pre 3 en Palm Pre 2 - webOS

An update for two smartphones from HP/Palm brings some bugfixes to the devices Pre 2 and Pre 3. The update solves a few problems, so it’s worth updating. You'll get a message on your phone when the update is ready for download. This can best be done through a WiFi connection to do.

Stay up to date, see you next week for a new firmware update friday!
