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Apple gives warning about poorly available iPhone 14 Pro

In a rather extraordinary press release, Apple issues a shipment warning for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. The reason is that the Foxconn factory where Apple iPhones are assembled is currently in a COVID-19 lockdown.

The Foxconn factory in question is located in Zhengzhou, China. That country has a zero COVID policy where a single positive test can put an entire city into lockdown. As is the Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou, where Apple has its iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max assembled. According to Apple's press release the workforce has significantly been reduced.

Foxconn factory in Wuhan, China
Not the Foxconn factory in question but one in Wuhan, China

Apple writes that its top priority is the health of all employees. But you don't become a billion-dollar company without some questionable work ethics, so we guess Apple is not very happy about this situation. But even Apple can't change that. For now. China's Zero-COVID Policy has already resulted in Apple moving production to Vietnam. Those handle positive COVID-19 tests a little less strictly, and wages are also low.

Expected drop

Demand for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max is vital if Apple is to be believed. Now that Apple can sell fewer of them will affect its profit. Perhaps we will see a decline for the first time since the company announced the iPhone in 2007.
