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Sony releases PlayStation SDK

Sony has released a library for developers, which they can use to make both for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, the new Sony tablets and the successor to the PlayStation Portable.

Anyone who wants to make an app for the new multimedia devices from Sony, can use the SDK to make an app for all the devices at once. A Sony developer registration is required. Once you are, and you master the the C# programming language, you can get started with an app that is even suitable for the PSVita, the successor to the PSP. To our knowledge this unit doesn’t runs on Android, unlike the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play


Sony recently took Ericssons interest in the joint venture Sony Ericsson. All activities of the smartphone brand will continue under the name Sony, to further integrate the mobile phone activities in the Sony entertainmentdivision. The new SDK is one of the techniques that make this possible.

Source: Playstation.com
