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New source confirms titanium frame for Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

According to a Korean source, Samsung will dress up the future Galaxy S24 Ultra in titanium. For now, only this model from the S24 series would be made of titanium, contrary to earlier rumours.

Titanium is not only a somewhat tricky material to work with, but it is also quite pricy. Samsung would, therefore, first want to see how the public reacts to this new material choice. The S24 Ultra seems like the ideal candidate to test that theory out. Its starting price is already relatively high.

Samsung logo with and titanium background
Samsung jumps into the titanium hype

Rumours that Samsung, like Apple, would equip its devices in titanium have been going around for some time. As such, it seems to be the trend for 2024. Previously, the frames of phones were made primarily of aluminium alloy. Titanium is stronger but considerably more expensive. Its biggest plus is its appearance, especially when brushed.

No significantly lower weight

Apple achieved a substantial weight reduction with the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, but that was because those models previously had stainless steel frames. That's considerably heavier than aluminium. Samsung uses aluminium for the S23 Ultra, so we don't expect a substantially lower weight there.

