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HTC introduces with MAX 4G first WiMAX smartphone

The HTC MAX 4G T8290 has a lot of similarities with the new Touch HD, but besides that the device is also equipped with WiMAX for quick internet.

HTC has borrowed a lot of the new MAX 4G device of the Touch HD, like the huge display of 3.8 inch with 800 x 480 pixels, WiFi and GPS. And an extra addition is that the MAX has support for WiMAX.

HTC kondigt met MAX 4G eerste WiMAX smartphone aan
Does anyone say 'iPhone?'?

WiMax alows the user to connect with the internet, comparable with WiFi. A big difference is that WiMax has a larger reach than WiFi, up to some kilometers. WiMax is mainly used for providing a large area with internet, and WiFi mainly for providing a building or one room with internet.


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