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LG KC560: musical disco ball slider

"Who doesn't like music?", was LG probably thinking when making the KC560. This musical slider looks quite like a disco ball; lights are blinking together with the music.

When the KC560 is ringing you are being treated with a light show, the coloured LEDs are placed in the sides of the front. Soon, anyone can also be irritated by the flickering phones in stead of by loud and noisy ringtones.

LG KC560: muzikale discobol-slider
LG KC560; electronic disco ball

The LG KC560 will probably be an affordable phone with some descent possibilities. The KC560 is a triband phone with a 2.4 inch display with QVGA resolution (240 x 320 pixels). The display supports 262 thousand colour tints. A 3.2. megapixel camera is built-in and has a LED flash.

You can play music through the microSD memory card. If you're fed up with your music, you can easily change to the FM radio that is built-in the phone. When we can expect the phone to be out in stores remains unkown.

Source: Unwired View
