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"Nokia is working on Symbian successor for N8"

The Nokia N8 will have a successor that runs on Symbian, according to sources ofthe blog UnwiredView. The phone is said to have a good camera, and is therefore sold as a real camera phone.

Like the N8 , the new Symbian smartphone has a 3.5 inch screen. The phone has 512 MB of RAM and a 1 GHz processor. The camera resolution is still uncertain, but camera on this new device is said to be equipped with optical zoom, a feature usually reserved for cameras. Previously, Samsung had a phonee with a optical zoom, the G600 . The device should keep Nokia's name as a maker of cam-phones high.

201004 nokia n8 official
The N8 will have a true successor

Why such a good camera-phone can’t run on Windows Phone, is not clear. The specs of the device make it suitable for Microsofts OS, and the Windows Phone interface allows to snap a picture quickly. Nokia and Microsoft joined forces at the beginning of this year. The first Windows Phone device from Nokia, the Lumia 800 Lumia, is already in the shelves.

Source: Unwiredview.com
