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HTC Ville with Android Ice Cream Sandwich leaked

The first phone with Android Ice Cream Sandwich from HTC, is probably the HTC Ville. Rumor has that the phone also comes with a new version of HTC Sense.

The first images of the device, which recently emerged, show that the smartphone, like the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, lacks hardware buttons on the front. The new version of Android has virtual buttons in the system, making these no longer needed. According to the one who leaked the render below, the Ville has a 4.3 inch screen and a 1.5 GHz dual core processor.

Htc ville bgr

The HTC Ville will possibly be presented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This Congress will be held late February 2012. The phone can reportedly record videos in 1080p with an 8 megapixel camera, and is said to be 8mm thick. Furthermore, the device is equipped with technology from Beats by Dr. Dre, to improve the audio performance of the phone.

Source: Bgr.com
