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Samsung introduces phone for children and young adults

Samsung introduces with the S3030 Tobi a new phone for children and young adults. Several special functions should not only make the target group interested, but also parents.

Samsung is responding to the trend that people are more and more using a mobile phone at a younger age. They want to conquer the hearts of the children and young adults with this special phone and parents can provide their children with the Tobi that also has some safety functions.

Samsung kondigt telefoon aan voor kinderen en jonge volwassenen
Playful Samsung Tobi

The Tobi has a SOS call, SOS messages and you can even have fake-call conversations! This is handy to appear important without paying anything. Besides this the Tobi, which is made of ecological materials, is available in different playful colours and has 3 cheerful themes. If you're getting bored you can change the backside covers of the phone whereupon you can place for instance pictures.

The Samsung Tobi will be available in six different colours; Sweet Pink, Loyal Blue, Apple Green, Bright Orange, Oasis Blue and Snow Silver. The device will be in stores by the end of this year or by the beginning of next year against an unknown price.
