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Windows Mobile 6.5 confirmed

The current CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, has confirmed the existence of Windows Mobile 6.5 during an interview. We've already heard a lot of rumours about the WM6.5.

The version is quite remarkable, because everybody presumed that the next version of Windows Mobile would be version 7. Steven Ballmer called the version 6.5 a intermediate towards version 7, so he also confirmed the existence of that version. We can also presume that the launch of version 7 has got quite some delay.

In general it is presumed that Windows Mobile 6.5 is going have the newest version of Internet Explorer that supports Flash and that the Operating System possibly has a first form of support for multi-touch. Something we can expect on 7.

Official during MWC 2009
Ballmer also announced that Windows Mobile 6.5 will be offically announced during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2009. Version 7 is also going to be announced during the MWC, but in 2010. During the 2009 event a Motorola device that has Windows Mobile 6.5 is expected to be announced as well.

Source: MSmobiles.com
