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“Every Samsung Galaxy S24 model made of titanium”

Like Apple, Samsung also plans to equip its new phones with titanium. A new rumour now says which models will all get a new titanium jacket.

Most phone frames are made from aluminium. It's lightweight, cheap, and mostly sturdy. But just as plastic had to give way to glass, aluminium seems to give way to titanium. It is the trend for 2024.

The trend for 2024; Titanium

Samsung, therefore, plans to equip the upcoming Galaxy S24 series with titanium. The new material is not only for the most expensive model; the S24 Ultra. Also the S24 and S24+ will be equipped with it. At least, that's what this source on X thinks.

Titanium exterior

Not the whole frame will be made from titanium, just as the iPhone 15 Pro. Presumably, only the outer layer will be titanium. The inner frame will most likely still be made of aluminium. A frame made entirely of titanium is far too expensive.

Uncertain which models

Whether this rumour is true will be seen in early 2024 when Samsung announces the series. It seems unlikely because equipping everything with titanium does not steer customers to a more expensive model. So we guess that only the Galaxy S24 Ultra will get a titanium body. And from the comments, the usually knowledgeable @UniverseIce shares the same view.

Not the first time for Samsung

Before you accuse Samsung of blatantly copying Apple, consider that this is not the first time Samsung has used titanium. The Galaxy Watch3 Titanium released in 2020 also had a titanium casing. So Samsung has previous experience with the material.
