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New Sony Ericsson Kate pictures

Exactly one week ago we showed you the first pictures of the new Sony Ericsson Kate. Today we can show you pictures that are slightly clearer.

Again the boys of Cellphone Sail have provided us with the pictures. Fortunately, they are clearer than the last onces. The pictures show a Cybershot monoblock device with 5 megapixel camera that is protected by the cover.

Nieuwe Sony Ericsson Kate foto's uitgelekt
The Sony Ericsson "Kate"

Unfortunately we do not know anything more about the features of "Kate", except the fact that it has a 5 megapixel camera and 3.5G support (UMTS/HSDPA). Of course, we will keep following the news!

Source: Cellphone Sail

Nieuwe Sony Ericsson Kate foto's uitgelekt