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New Sony Ericsson Walkman slider in production

According to the latest rumours Sony Ericsson is working on a Walkman version of the G705; code name Rika. We will give you the first pics and specs.

The phone, that doesn't seem to have an official name yet, will be produced in Red and Silver. The device will become the Walkman brother of the G705. We can probably expect the same specifications; 3.2 megapixel camera, 3G network possibilities and maybe even WiFi support.

Nieuwe Sony Ericsson Walkman slider in de maakNieuwe Sony Ericsson Walkman slider in production
Sony Ericsson "Rika"

We also have found pictures of the new Sony Ericsson "Kate". Of course a code name for a Sony Ericsson phone that hasn't been announced yet.

Nieuwe Sony Ericsson Walkman slider in de maakNieuwe Sony Ericsson Walkman slider in de maak
Sony Ericsson "Kate"

The device has, according to the pics, a 5 megapixel camera with 3.5G network support, although the pics aren't of a great quality.

Whenever we hear more about the devices you will be the first to know.

Source: Cellphone Sail
