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Yet another BlackBerry outage

For the second time in two days, users of BlackBerry devices in Europe, the Middle East and Africa have an outages of BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS).

The problem makes that users of a BlackBerry cannot use the internet and email. BlackBerry Messenger is also out. All these services run on servers of RIM, the maker of BlackBerry. It is not known what caused the problem. The duration of the problem is uncertain either. BlackBerry users are complaining on Twitter about the problem. They do so not through their phone, because then they can not use Twitter on it.

2011171 office 5x3 med res
Stress at RIM headquarters in Canada

The problem shows the pitfalls of the secure internet system from RIM. To use the internet, even via WiFi, authentication goes over servers of RIM. Now that the servers go down, it becomes clear that this way of operation also has a weakness. Users of phones from other brandsonly needtheir provider network or WiFi to connect to the internet.

Source: Engadget.com
