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Sony Ericsson brings all 2011 Android phones to Android 4.0

Good news for owners of a handset of Sony Ericsson in 2011. The Japanese / Swedish manufacturer promised at the Dutch facebook page that there will be an update for all 2011 devices to Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

Some of the devices that receive the update are Sony Ericsson arc, arc s, neo, ray, pro, active, mini, mini pro and Play. Sony Ericsson is the first manufacturer that gave clarity about updates. Earlier, HTC came with a statement, which only stated that the manufacturer would do its best. Real promises were not in the statement of the Taiwanese manufacturer. Sony Ericsson did not mention a date when the update would be available.

2011243 arcs

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich was presented this week. This new version of Android combines the smartphone and tablet version of the OS. It brings a large part of the design of Android Honeycomb to the smartphone. Other innovations in the OS are a new lock screen and the ability unlock your phone by looking in the the camera.

Source: Facebook.com
