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"Apple buys 3D map maker"

Apple has reportedly acquired C3 Technologies. The Swedish company specializes in creating 3D maps, and is now said to be part of the iOS team at Apple iOS, according to anonymous sources.

Rumors that Apple acquired C3 were already there before. Now there are new confirmations that the maps app on iOS is taken serious by Apple. With technology that is also used in guided missiles, the company makes a 3D representation of cities in which the buildings appear in 3D. The app was originally developed by the company for both Android and iOS.

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An example of C3's maps

With the acquisition by Apple, the Android version probably ended up in the trash. From Sweden the team members of C3 Technologies, Mattias Aström, Kjell Cedar Beach and Ludvig Emgard are working on iOS. In future system updates from Apple, the first fruits of their work can be seen. The former C3 team got the name "Sputnik" at Apple’s.

Source: Macrumors.com
