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Samsung presents new Bada handsets

Samsungs Wave series keeps growing. The Korean company today launched, among other phones, the Wave 575, a budget handset with a 3.2 inch touchscreen.

At the same time, Samsung announced the Wave 525, which als has been called Wave 2 before, and Wave 533. That phone has also been called Wave 2 pro.

Wave 525/575 (left) and Wave 533 (right)


All three new smartphones run Bada-OS, an operating system that is developed by Samsung. The other handsets in the Wave serie als run Bada. The OS has, like Android, iOS and Windows Phone 7, the option to extend the basic system with third party applications. The phones that have been presented today are placed in the lower zones of the smartphone market. With a 3.2 inch touchscreen and an 3.2 Megapixel camera, the handsets are fit for consumers who want a smartphone, but have a small budget.

The Wave 525 and Wave 575 are almost identical. The only difference is the support of HSDPA connections. The 575 supports it, the 525 doesn't. The 533 basically is a 525 with a physical QWERTY keyboard, and doesn't support HSDPA either. 575 will come hit the market mid november, the other phones are already available in Russia, and will come to other countries later.
