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French provider leaks Palm Pre 2

Palm is planning to release an update of its Pre, that, not very surprisingly, will be called Pre 2. The handset has the looks of the current model, but has some great improvements under the hood.

The French provider SFR in its clumsiness put the new handset online on the day of the release of Windows Phone 7. For some, it may be a disappointment that the phone is changed on the outside, but the processorpower improves big time. The Palm Pre had a frequency of 500 Mhz, the new Pre 2 doubles that, and can compete with the latest generation of smartphones. The phone runs webOS 2, a new operating system that we discussed before.


Rumour has...

Its raining rumours about new Palm handset lately. Palm was acquired some time ago. A second version of Palms own operating system, webOS, is coming. HP is shifting its focus to this new system, an dropped its plans to create a Windows Phone 7 handset. We expect the Pre 2 to be placed next to other handsets that leaked before, like the full-touch Mansion.
