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Firmware Update Friday - Week 43 2010

Time to say goodbye to some nasty old bugs! This week a firmware update for the HTC Desire HD and the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10.

We've had a few weeks without new firmware, so we're happy to present you two new updates this week.

HTC Desire HD - proximity sensor fix

Some users of the Desire HD reported an error with the proximity sensor, that makes the screen turn off when you hold the phone close to your ear. The sesor gave many false positives, which will be fixed in an Over-The-Air update.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 - Android 2.1

Owners of Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 had to wait for it for a while, but now they are getting their update to Android 2.1. The update will come to users the next few weeks

Stay up to date, and see you next week, for a new Firmware Update Friday!
