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Profit record for Apple

The issues with the antenna of the iPhone 4 didn't stop the company from have an enormous revenue in Q3 of 2010. With a revenue of 20 billion dollar, the net profit was 4,3 billion dollar.

The iPhone 4 and the iPad have a big share in the good results. In the months July, August and September, Apple sold 1,4 million iPhones and 4 million iPads. iPhone sales improved 67% when compared to the previous quarter and 91% when compared to the same quarter last year. Impressive numbers.

Battling Microsoft

Last quarter, Apple won the battle with longterm enemy Microsoft. Both the revenue and the profit of Apple were better then Microsoft. Microsofts revenue was 14,5 miljard dollar, with a 4 billion profit. In the second quarter of this year, Apple outperformed Microsoft for the first time.

On the NASDAQ, stock traders were happy with the new. The Apple share set a all time record at 316 dollars.
