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New: Nokia C5-03

Nokia today presented the c5-03, a budget-handset with a 3.2 inch touchscreen. The phone unfortunately runs Symbian S60 5th edition. According to Nokia, the phone created to be used with social media.

Maasuring 105.8 mm x 51.0 mm x 13.8 mm and weighing 93g, the C5-03 just as large as the C6-01, and slightly smaller than Nokia N8 and C7. The handset has 40Mb of internal memory, and support a micro SD-card up to 16GB. Nokia says speech time will be 11,5 hours.

Nokia c5 03


The new C5 has wifi, 3G, GPS and a compass. All you need to navigate, so Nokia added its own navigation software Ovi Maps to the handset. The C5-03 has a 5 Megapixel camera without flash.

Source: Nokia
