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New Samsung i5510 Android 2.2 slider spotted

We were quite surprised we didn't found this phone at the Samsung stand. Especially because its running the latest Android version; the new Samsung i5510.

The slider has a 4 row full QWERTY keyboard that makes typing long e-mail messages a little bit more easier. Also it has a 5 megapixel camera and build-in WiFi connectivity. Bluetooth and 3G are also no problem for the i5510.

Samsung i5510 front closedSamsung i5510 front opened

Unfortunately we don't have any information regarding a possible release and what the phone should cost when in stores. Of course we keep you posted when we have more info on that. In the meanwhile enjoy these photos we took.

Samsung i5510 opened in handSamsung i5510 sideSamsung i5510 bottom