Hands on tough Motorola Defy with Android
Always wanted a rugged Android phone that can withstand a drop and some rain? Behold the Motorola Defy with IP67 certificate.
Motorola has a very first by bringing a shock and waterproof Android phone. Also unique is that the Defy doesn't look buffed like other touch-phones. It looks just like any other ordinary smartphone.

Motorola have installed its own MOTOBLUR interface that makes Android just a little bit more prettier and easier to work with. Underneath is Android version 2.1 Eclair.

A possible release maybe far away, this test sample kept crashing every other minute. Motorola has some more work to do before the Defy may enter the consumer market.

As you can see for yourself the Motorola Defy isn't that fat at all! The phone measures a little more that 13 millimetres and weighs 118 grams. The Defy is expected in stores around the fourth quarter.