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Hands on Samsung Wave TouchWiz

During IFA 2010 we got to play with the new Samsung S7230 Wave 723 that from now on we may call the 'Wave TouchWiz'.

We found the Wave TouchWiz at the Samsung booth at IFA 2010 in Berlin. Again Samsung had one of the biggest stands we've ever seen on which it showed goodies like 3D TVs, BlueRay players and of course mobile phones.

Samsung S7230 Wave 723 TouchWiz

The Samsung Wave TouchWiz comes with a cover similar to the first TouchWiz. This should ensure a lifetime prettiness of your new TouchWiz.

Samsung Wave Touchwiz 1Samsung wave touchwiz 3Samsung wave touchwiz 4

We can't call the Samsung Wave TouchWiz high-end with its Bada OS, especially when looking closer to the display resolution. Then again it has a 5 megapixel camera and fast WiFi 802.11n internet access that any high-end smartphone wouldn't come without.

Samsung wave touchwiz 2

We expect the Samsung S7230 Wave TouchWiz in stores around next month. Prices are still unsure at this point.
