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HTC announces Android smartphone Rhyme

HTC in New York has announced the Rhyme, a new Android device that is equipped with a 1 GHz processor. The Rhyme has a 5 megapixel camera. The device seems designed primarily for women

The Rhyme has a 3.7 inch screen, as large as that of the Desire S. The processor is as fast as the one in that device. The HTC Rhyme runs Android 2.3.4, the latest version of the popular operating system from Google. Although the phone is initially only in stores in the United States, this smartphone will also come to Europe, in October.


The emphasis on style and accessories HTC suggests that this unit is aimed primarily at a female audience. The Android OS is equipped with the simplified and accessible version of HTC Sense 3.5, The Android-skin from the Taiwanese company. The device has a retail price of 459 euros.
