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Samsung tenfolds AMOLED-capacity

A new Samsung factory, that will open soon, will tenfold the company's production capacity of AMOLED screens. In the meanwhile, the manufacturer is also working on a processor that can handle three screens.

The last few months, the shortage of AMOLED-screens grew quickly. Samsung is the largest manufacturer of these screens, but the company can only make 3 million displays every month. The shortage made HTC replace the screen in its Desire by a Super LCD of Sony.

2.1 billion

Building the new factory will cost 2.1 billion dollars. When the factory is ready to use, Samsung will be able to manufacture 30 million AMOLED displays a month, thus ten-folding its capacity.

New processor

Another division of the Korean company is working on a new processor for mobile devices, named Orion. This new processor has two cores, and runs on a frequency of 1Ghz. The processor is meant for tablets and higgh-end smartphones. It will support GPS and HDMI, and can handle three screens at once. According to Samsung, rendering 3D images will become five times faster than with older processors.

Source: Wall Street Journal, Engadget.com
